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Which CXO owns the various strategic AI initiatives in your organization?

I continue to ask this question, and with a recent report by McKinsey showing that 37% of companies who embark down the AI transformation path see significant turnover in their CXO ranks, the question continues to become more relevant:

As you seek to adopt and deploy AI and automation throughout your enterprise and up and down your supply chain who “owns” the various strategic initiatives?"

When I speak with CXO’s I find that the answer is far from clear. In fact, there is more confusion than clarity. I do find it interesting that in every survey of business leaders “talent” is listed as a major hurdle yet only a small handful of companies have hired a Chief AI Scientist. After 20 years in the AI field I still don’t know how you do anything in AI at an enterprise level without a CXO level AI expert. I literally don’t know if it is possible.

Below are a couple of initiatives that companies are pursuing and my thoughts around which CXO’s should be in charge.  


Data is the first place CXO’s focus to leverage the power of AI. We know the questions: What data do you have, what data is easily accessible, is it worth anything and how can you get better data in the future?

Many enterprises are still struggling with these questions and I have some great podcasts with leading AI scientists that can help you through this process.  

CXO leaders: Chief Data Officer, Chief Digital Officer, Chief AI Officer

Automation (BPA):

What tasks can be fully automated? What tasks require AI/Human augmentation? What tasks are best suited for humans only? This is an initiative that requires heavy lifting but promises big pay off.

CXO leaders: Chief Automation Officer, Chief Ai Officer

Re-designing work in the enterprise:

How does the org chart look once the BPA project has been envisioned? What jobs are no longer needed? What new tasks are created? This is also heavy lifting but is exciting in that it is a chance to design entirely new experiences for customers, partners and internal teams.

CXO leaders: CHRO, Chief Automation Officer, Chief AI Officer


What skills are needed for the existing roles that have been re-designed and for new roles that have been created?

CXO leaders: CHRO, COO, Chief AI Officer

Internal Messaging:

AI and automation will have a dramatic impact on your organization. Disruptive changes run the risk of upsetting employees. However, adopting these new technologies will make your enterprise more successful and will open up new opportunities for your employees. It is your job to clearly communicate these benefits to them to get their buy-in and not their pushback. Employees are afraid of automation. They shouldn’t be.

CXO leaders: CEO


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